Confirmed: Interview with Tee Morris and Philippa Ballantine
I’ve just received final confirmation that our next episode will feature an interview with novelists/podcasters Tee Morris and Philippa Ballantine. They’ve both got books coming out on August 8th and are doing a bit of a podcast tour. We’re extremely pleased to have them on the show. We’ll be talking about Tee’s new book, Billibub Baddings and the Case Of the Pitcher’s Pendant, as well as Philippa’s, Digital Magic. We’ll be talking movies as well as exactly what a podcast novel is. It should be a good time!
I’ve just finished listening to Mr. Morris’ Billibub Baddings and the Case Of the Singing Sword and absolutely loved every minute of it. I’ve just started Ms. Ballantine’s Chasing the Bard and I’m already enjoying that as well.
You can find out more in the meantime by clicking the banner to the right or going to the Official Double Trouble page.