ScreenGeeks Radio Live Tomorrow @ 4:30pm EST!
Update: We’ve run into some major technical issues, but we think we’ll be able to get back up and running with an hour delay. Sorry everyone.
Ok, we’re going to give this a shot tomorrow. Going through Talk Shoe, we’re going to be able to have up to 250 listeners for the show tomorrow if the technology holds up. If there are issues, I’ll still make sure the show is up tomorrow afternoon. Here’s to hoping! We’ll update the site if issues come up.
Edit: I’ve tested by jumping into another show and you don’t have to have a Talk Shoe account to listen. I actually would recommend against it until we decide if this actually works and if we end up sticking with them for live streaming. If it doesn’t work, there’s a good chance we’ll follow the /Filmcast’s lead and try using and put up a cheap webcam while we’re recording or something.