ScreenGeeks Radio Live Tomorrow at 3:30pm EST
After we completely failed at streaming last week, we’re giving it another shot this week! In a page stolen directly from the /Filmcast, we’re going to be recording live tomorrow on at 3:30pm EST. As if getting just sound wasn’t enough, we’ll also have a webcam going as well. We aren’t set up to use Skype yet, but you’ll be able to talk to us during the show using the chat box.
There will be two ways to access the show. First, you can click on the upper right hand side of the site where it says SGR Live, and that will take you to a widget that we’ve been having a little bit of problems with. Your other option is to go directly to and meet up with us there. At least one of us will probably be in the chat room starting at about 3:00pm EST while we’re getting set up. Hope to see you tomorrow!