X-Men: First Class Trailer Goes Live
After the complete wreck that X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine were, I know more than a few geeks and X-Men fans who were worried about any future incarnations of their favorite mutants. Ok, let’s be honest: Most of us would rather Fox just let the franchise die than desecrate these characters any more than they have.
Then, we got word of X-Men: First Class. It was a reboot of the story, but it won’t have the original cast of characters. We call started having visions of a Deadpool with laser eyes and blades come rushing back to our memories. Ah, but we were then given hope! Bryan Singer was coming aboard as an Executive Producer. Even better yet, Matthew Vaughn (L4yer Cake, Stardust, Kick-Ass) was signed on to direct. Things were looking up…and then that awful photoshop of the cast popped up and brought all our hopes crashing back to earth.
With the roller coaster of emotions that we’ve been through, we’ve now got our first legitimate look at X-Men: First Class. The trailer just released and honestly doesn’t look completely terrible. That may seem like a backhanded compliment, but it’s a far better reaction than I expected to have. Check it out and let us know what you think of it.