Upcoming Sale: 50% off Criterions at Barnes and Noble!

We generally don’t talk about Bluray/DVD sales around here, but this one is too good NOT to talk about it.  You probably heard me talk a few months ago about how I got some Criterion DVD’s for really cheap at Barnes and Noble.  Well, it looks like they’re at it again.  Over at DVD Talk, you’ll find a thread talking about Barnes and Noble having a 50% off sale on all Criterion Blurays and DVDs.  You’ll also find ways to get them for an extra 10% off and even an extra $5 off that!  The sale will start on November 10th.

I know that we always talk up Criterion discs, but I also know that they tend to be significantly more expensive than regular DVDs.  Well, if you’ve been tempted to try the waters on some of our past recommendations, you aren’t going to get much of a better chance than this to build up your library!  This much advance notice should hopefully give you a chance to save up some money ahead of time and not abuse your wallet.

Let us know if you’d like us to give you some ideas on good films to pick up and we’ll be happy to give you some options in the comments!  The DVD Talk thread will be good for that as well. 

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Dave Minkus

Dave is located in Denver, CO and can also be found occasionally sullying various podcasts who don't know better than to invite him on.

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