Josh Green: 1986-2009


This week, we laid our great friend to rest.  To say that Josh will be missed is the understatement of a lifetime.  We appreciate all the thoughts and prayers sent our way, as well as all the e-mails.  I’m gathering them all up and will be forwarding them to Josh’s family.  The overriding theme of every e-mail is that everybody considered Josh a friend whether they had met him or not.  I just wanted to take the opportunity to let you know that we feel the same way about our listeners and readers.  We love getting feedback and not because it serves as an ego boost.  We love having the interaction with you and the chance to get to know you some as well.

Feel free to still send e-mails if you want to podcast at screengeeks dot com, or you can leave a voicemail at (719) 553-5664.  I’ll make sure everything gets routed on to the family.

Josh will be missed, not because he was an integral part of the show.  He will be missed because of the kind of man he was, the best kind.

I’ve embedded the audio I posted over the weekend in case anybody hasn’t heard it yet.

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Dave Minkus

Dave is located in Denver, CO and can also be found occasionally sullying various podcasts who don't know better than to invite him on.

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